Self-Directed IRAs
Investors can use a self-directed IRA or 401(k) to invest directly in real estate investments and achieve higher returns than traditional investments.
Self-directed investments can help diversify a retirement portfolio beyond the limited options typically found in retirement plans – such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds and CDs. And it can diversify a portfolio against the cyclical changes in the stock market, economy and fixed-income investments.
Leveraging a self-directed retirement vehicle can also be a great way for investors to create wealth by leveraging your investing knowledge to invest directly in assets you know – such as real estate – and have someone else do the work..
WPG offers investment structures that are specifically tailored to self-directed IRA/401(k) investors. WPG can work with a variety of self-directed IRA custodians such as Equity Trust Company, Pensco Trust, The Entrust Group and others.
Contact us for a free consultation.